Sunday, November 28, 2010

Things We Learned from "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"

Things We Learned from Whose Line is it Anyway?
1)      Africa is a continent.
2)      Snagglepuss should not put out a rap album.
3)      Coffee really is quite hot.
4)      Bill Cosby and Hitler would be unlikely roommates.
5)      Christopher Walken should not do stand-up.
6)      Tacos taste good with a little bit of paper.
7)      Lattes will make you micro-soft.
8)      Sperm banks have ATMs.
9)      There's a home shopping channel for serial killers.
10)   When Santa retires, he’ll move to Mexico, take up guitar and turn his reindeer into a carpet.
11)   “Dingisher” rhymes with “extinguisher.”
12)  Kid Rock is just one guy.
13)  Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett’s marriage isn’t legal in Texas .
14)  Jim Bowie liked to dress as a French maid.
15)  Friar Tuck is called “Tuck” because the belly covers everything when he’s nude.
16)  “Luck” and “wow” rhyme.
17)  Neon lights will break if you smash your head into them.
18)  Batman is gay.
19)  Mary Had a Little Lamb” is also the name of an animal porn movie.
20)  “Milk Duds” is a type of bra.
21)  If you get an astronomy degree, you’ll end up delivering pizza.
22)  African chants have white men doing backup.
23)  Howard is not spelled “Horward.”
24)  Colin’s bald.
25)  You can see Ryan’s shoes from the moon.
26)  Balding men are the greatest lovers in the world.
27)  The arctic tern’s cry sounds like “Backstreet boys.”
28)  If you pummel someone with an Energizer, you’ll be charged with assault with a battery.
29)  Dinosaurs had B.O. and now they’re all extinct.
30)  Mimes should not sing.
31)  The Village People do polkas.
32)  Obi-Wan Kenobi secretly wanted to be known as Helen.
33)  If you drink and drive, drive real fast.
34)  And eat lots of mints, it fools the cops.
35)  Ryan has nice pants.
36)  Yogi Bear is not a Muppet. 
37)  They sell shower mirrors at prison gift shops.
38)  Never Riverdance in a thong.
39)  For the next fifty years, there will be sun in L.A. and rain in Seattle .
40)  You can get a massage over the Internet, but you have to use your own hands.
41)  Drew doesn’t do a d--- thing.
42)  Never deliver a sermon as John Wayne.
43)  The My Little Ponies take methyldexamphetaminesulphates.
44)  If you’re confronted by a street gang, never start a tickle fight.
45)  1930’s strip clubs are wrong on so many levels.
46)  This show was brought to you by the letter h.
47)  Stripping as Goofy is just wrong.
48)  The Wicked Witch of the West cannot be differentiated from Barbara Bush.
49)  In times of trouble, Captain Bloodloss will be there.
50)  E.T. was not in “Close Encounters.”
51)  Carol Channing should not play Spartacus.
52)  As long as there have been presidents, there have been songs about them.
53)  The points don’t matter.
54)  For one there was even a dance. 
55)  A dougie is a Canadian beaver.
56)  Virginity has been abolished in southern California .
57)  Yeah, there was a dance for John Adams.
58)  Bungee jumping is really dangerous if you don’t tie the other end.
59)  Beasts love kielbasas.
60)  Velociraptors do not make good pets.
61)  It was called the John Adams dance.  It didn’t go very far.
62)  You can power a DeLorean on static electricity.   
63)  Yogi Bear killed Boo Boo.
64) Scottish Gremlins don't buy drinks.

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