Thursday, June 26, 2014

"Doctor Who" Fourth Series Drink Ideas

This isn't a drinking game (though if you want one of those, take a shot every time you see an actor who was in a Harry Potter movie).  Rather, I've matched a drink to every episode of the fourth series of Doctor Who.  Why?  I was bored.

"Voyage of the Damned": Champagne or red wine, as it's Christmas on a luxurious ship

"Partners in Crime": Martini or Manhattan.

"The Fires of Pompeii": A Flaming Volcano, of course.  Or, if you want something hot, a Bloody Maria.

"Planet of the Ood": To complement the snowy setting, a Mint Julep.  Or, cocoa mixed with Peppermint Schnapps (and if you've got a mint melt-away to cut up and toss in, even better).

"The Sontaran Stratagem": Curacao Cooler, to match the green slime the clones crawl out of.

"The Poison Sky": Toxic Waste.

"The Doctor's Daughter": Hard one.  Either a Green Iguana or Crocodile, because of the Hath.

"The Unicorn and the Wasp": Harvey Wallbanger.  Obviously.  Or, for something appropriate to the 1920s, whiskey on the rocks or a gin and tonic.  Or, to match the Doctor and Donna, lime soda and a Sidecar.

"Silence in the Library": Zombie

"Forest of the Dead": Screwdriver.  I have seen recipes online for a Sonic Screwdriver using Blue Curacao, lime soda/orange juice, and vodka, so that is also an option.

"Midnight": Strawberry Margarita, as Donna's seen with one at the beginning.  You might want to drink it afterwards when you need a pick-me-up.

"Turn Left": Donna and the Doctor seem to be drinking root beer floats, so match it with a Root Beer Fizz.  Also a dark episode that might need a pick-me-up at the end.

"The Stolen Earth": Hasta La Vista Baby.

"Journey's End": Since so many companions join up for the ending, go for a drink with lots of ingredients, like a Bahama Breeze or a Creole Champagne.